sources that are deep in nature

Every day I need to write, to call upon your name, to come back to a sense of being
beyond this I seem I am 
I see you everywhere, knowing of your presence in the stars,
I know you there in every little thing moving my body to action.
In every word your presence.
I have divided the word, the world, I have made real the space between things,
violating all understanding of presence and the dance of life.
I live beyond your presence, immerse in it....
how could that be a choice, when your sweet call is in everything,
almost demanding awakening and my growing into you?
And as a choice, a clear choice: I investigate your presence,
dissecting it, explaining it, even pondering about its benevolence and mighty mysterious ways,
trying to believe, knowing it imposible,
I will live in you because all my futile explanations.
I invite myself to a different form
with no form, definition, concept, educated understanding.
Allowing myself to fully, completely trust you.
Yo soy tuyo, tengo confianza en ti
and I dissolve myself in allowing to you be who I am.
